Last night was the kick-off of my twenty year high school reunion. A school tour was planned (I was too late), a home football game was scheduled (I didn't make into the bleachers), and a follow-up gathering took place at a hole-in-the-wall bar. (I was one of the first to arrive.) So my priorities are clear.
It was a more intimate gathering than I expected -- around 25 people. Fortunately, I liked everyone there and let's be honest, this is all about my good time. Though the celebration continues tonight with a more formal and hopefully highly attended event, here are some tidbits that fall into the Reunion 101 curriculum.
1. You'll be nervous. (I speak for the women.) It doesn't matter if you're married, single, skinny, fat, successful or struggling. There's something about being faced with people that knew you at the most awkward stage in your life. You could now be a CEO of a Fortune 500, but just think about high school and you can feel your chin break out and your posture slump.
2. You will encounter people you don't remember. And they will remember you. Immediately. (Not sure this is a good thing.) So master the art of the polite, but inquisitive greeting. Most of the time, they'll catch your puzzled look and help you out. However, this is much easier to handle then #3.
3. You might warmly embrace someone thinking you know exactly who they are only to realize you are wrong and have no idea. Worse, they will know you and want to start conversation because you've shown such interest. Then you're stuck, planting questions in the conversation to help figure out who in the hell this is. When you realize this is a lost cause, just slowly slink away when they turn their attention elsewhere.
4. You will discuss things with classmates you never would have brought up in high school. One such subject might be "dental dams." Bring this up with a group and see how many people actually know what it is. Then see how many are saying yes when they have no idea. This is a fun party game. Feel free to use it at your reunion.
5. Your 20 year reunion is when you look at the current high school students and realize exactly how old you are. You also question when fishnet tights became appropriate for the cheerleaders.
6. People will be the same, but nicer. Once the initial nervousness fades, everyone is the same and that's comforting. The nice people are still nice. The funny are still funny. Hairlines may have receded and crow's feet have appeared, but people are here for the same reason as you - to see who's aged the best. (I'm totally kidding. That's probably reason #4.)
7. A nemesis in high school does not a nemesis now make. (Huh?) Someone who you may not have been friends with in high school may be someone you thoroughly enjoy now. Nemesis is an overstate, but you know what I mean.
8. I have more, but I need to use the next three hours to get ready for tonight. Reunion 101 will continue tomorrow.
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