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My lats are bigger than yours

Maybe. Maybe not. I do know that as a swimmer, there are a few muscle groups of which I can be proud. Lats. Triceps. Flexible ankles. Okay, so flexibility is not a muscle group, but I'm still counting it. Where am I going with this rambling post?

Here's the deal. If there was some sort of award for working out a lot, I may be in contention. Swimming, running, yoga, cardio....I can knock it out fairly easily. However, throw intensity in there and I have a problem. Not to mention a definite lack of strength. Ask my stepbrother about me try to do a pull-up. Singular. It was really more of me just hanging from the monkey bars and him laughing.

So I decide to mix it up. Try something new. $40 for six Bootcamp classes. Real Bootcamp, not YMCA Bootcamp. (Sorry, Y.) Monday, 4:45pm, a male instructor named Dana. Don't let the name fool you. For sixty minutes, I had my ass handed to me. As I'm struggling to do the ring push-ups - on my knees no less - it hits me. I suck at this. Really suck. Like no one wants to be stuck with me as a partner suck.

Embarrassing side note: I choose to wear one of my cheap Target t-shirts and running shorts. Not the best choice. Mostly because there is a reason the Target shirts are cheap and that is because regardless of deodorant and Tide detergent, the armpits smell like body odor the second you start to sweat. So I'm hanging from a bar trying to raise my knees to my elbows and then slowly lower them down, when Dana decides to assist me. Standing next to me, his head is directly in the B.O. danger zone. I'm sorry, Dana. I am hyper sensitive to hygiene, but clearly failed this test.

Regardless of my sad and smelly effort, I went back today on still wobbly legs and tried again. I like it, in some sort of sadistic way. We shall see how much I like it when it cost $129 instead of $40. We'll save that for another post. My smelly armpits and I must go to a meeting now.

P.S. For those expecting Reunion 102, my apologies. I'm including pictures, but just didn't have much more to say. It was a lovely weekend and I hope not to have to wait another ten years to see everyone. Yay, Hornets.


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