Sunday was travel day and did not start out promising. Once again, I booked flights so the layover in Atlanta was too brief. Last year we got stuck in Atlanta coming and going, and it looked to be the same this year. A delayed flight out of KC had me anxious. Husband and I scrambled through the Atlanta terminal - me running until I hit a large crowd of people and then having to stop and Husband walking briskly and appearing far less maniacal. I made it to the gate three seconds earlier, which convinces me my method paid off.
Once in Charleston, Husband explained to car rental agent that this is our last trip sans baby for the next year and the guy kindly upgraded our rental from a Camry to a Mustang. I commented this gives Husband a chance to experience his mid-life crisis before the arrival of our child.
In the last two days we've eaten the tomato-crab bisque at Rosebanks Cafe (possibly the best soup in the history of the world), walked on North Beach, been offered two unruly golden retrievers (which I would have considered had the guy been serious), and am now enjoying lunch made by Husband before possibly heading to the gym or more likely the screened-in porch with a book.
As we prepared to leave for the airport on Sunday I wondered aloud whether we should stay in KC. My baby to-do list is long and a week off work would have provided lots of time to knock things out. I also struggle leaving Trudy, especially when she gives me that accusatory I-know-you're-leaving-me look. Now that we're here, that consideration seems ridiculous.
Only on vacation do we give ourselves the permission to not feel guilty about lack of productivity. There's nothing that needs to be cleaned, reorganized or mowed. Tide watching is an activity. Husband asked if it's weird that he likes to watch the tide roll in and out. I responded all old men like to watch the tide.
I have not included many photos recently and then read on a friend's blog that blogs without photos suck. I don't want my blog to suck, so here is a pic of high tide taken from the deck. Here is also a rare belly photo taken at near 26 weeks. I may one day regret not having more pics of me pregnant, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Must sign off. A lounge chair is calling my name.
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