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That's how old I am today. 38. Two away from 40. 62 away from 100, if I'm lucky enough to be an centenarian. Speaking of 100 years, have you ever listened to the lyrics of that song? Depressing.

No significant plans. Dinner with parents, drinks with the girls, a little holiday party. I try to stretch out the celebration for several days. Yes, I'm one of those people. I still think birthdays are a big deal and get frustrated by people who downplay them. Celebrations are good, people. Take advantage of any occasion.

Speaking of special days, yesterday was "hug a swimmer" day. I was told this last night at practice. Honestly, I think they're just hormonal tweens that want to hug each other instead of doing dry land. Because I'm a pushover, I let them.

Back to birthday. Some people make New Year's resolutions on January 1. I use birthdays for this. And since self-improvement resolutions rarely work, I'm making easy ones for my 38th year. Here they are:

1. No longer buy any magazines that tell me how to physically improve myself. I've been reading fitness literature for 18 years. If I don't know it by now, it's not that important.

2. Never pass up cake. Ever.

3. Express road rage all I want. Just not when I'm on the phone with someone.

4. Order a soy latte every day, instead of just on Fridays. (Okay. I started this in October, but it still counts.)

5. Get a massage every month.

6. No longer apologize for my crappy taste in music.

7. Incorporate more hats into my wardrobe. Cowboy ones, especially.

8. Drink more Baileys.

9. Get certified to teach yoga. (That's a little self-improvement-ish.)

10. Not be too scared to race the 400 IM.

Last weekend I went to dinner with some girlfriends, including one I hadn't talked with in about 20 years. It was an excellent time, though I could give or take the restaurant (Extra Virgin). Pig ear salad and duck tacos...nope. I don't think "adventurous" need apply to food choices. But that's okay. The company made it entirely worthwhile.


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