There's something about renting a house that's been your home. I want someone that will care about it the way that I do, which is nearly impossible. I labored over who should be the renter of choice, checking references and verifying employment. It caused much emotional distress. Finally, Boyfriend (now fiance) said, are you expecting the renter to be your new best friend? Um, no. Sheepishly I decided on the girl that responded first to the ad.
So in six weeks, my cute little house will be inhabited by someone else and I'll be merging my things with a man who has been living solo for several decades. There is much purging to be done and not nearly enough time to do it.
And we're planning a reception. Sometime in the fall, hopefully October. And the first race of the season is this weekend. I'm drastically under-trained as other stuff keeps getting in the way. And I'm scheduled to take the GRE in July, which requires studying.
As my dad commented yesterday, "Do you think you have too many irons in the fire?"
Um, yeah.
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