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The kinda, sorta vegetarian.

I'm a vegetarian that sometimes eats meat, which probably angers both camps. Make a decision. Stand by your convictions. And I do stand by my convictions. Until I stand by a pepperoni pizza and then the wavering begins.

Being a vegetarian is simple. Plants or animals. Yay or nay. Black or white. There's no negotiation. You like the sizzle of steak or you don't. I like it. The smell of grilling. The worcestershire sauce. A glass of pinot to go along side it. The whole experience is pleasing.

So why not call myself a carnivore and be done with it? Because there's more to it. It fundamentally bothers me that an animal was killed so I can eat. Even if that is the sole purpose of the animal being created, I'm saddened. Truth be told, I feel better eating plants. Lighter. Healthier. More efficient. So I waver. Apparently others do, too. There's now a word to describe people like me -- flexitarian. Which sounds more applicable to yoga than diet.

And a little tip for the single girl. Many dudes don't like vegetarians. So what, you say? And I agree. If one is passionately against the eating of animal and animal product, hell with a guy who doesn't like it. However, know that vegetarian can be construed as high maintenance. Unfortunate, but true. I once dated a guy who's previous girlfriend had been a vegetarian. The first time we ate pizza together - sausage and pepperoni - he was giddy. Apparently men like to share their meat.

(I'm halfway through Omnivore's Dilemma, which is what sparked this entry. Excellent read.)

Training update. Had a lovely 6.5 mile hill run last night. Love this time of year before the humidity sets in. 3,700 in the pool this morning and the countdown is on. Only three more days until the outdoor pool opens and long course begins. Three months of heaven.

As for dating stories, been fairly routine the last few weeks. I'll have to open the vault to find an entertaining tale. Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I regale the "Science Olympiad"debacle...


  1. I'm writing just to be the first comment. Just kidding. So far, so good. I started blogging a couple years ago but grew weary of it. Now I just thow up pictures of the kids for my out-of-town relatives who won't let me quit cold turkey. I'm impressed with your training. Puts me to shame!


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