The mom guilt has arrived in full-force. Actually, the guilt train pulled into the station the day I went back to work. Dropping the Bean off at daycare sucked. (That's the nickname that seems to be sticking. Bean or Peanut. I must have a thing for legumes.) Anyway, it's time to purge my guilty conscience. There's The Mom I Wish To Be (TMIWTB) and the actual reality of my parenting skills: TMIWTB: Hand knits or at the very least orders sweet, one-of-a-kind baby clothing from Etsy. Me: Can barely sew on a button and buys baby clothes from Target online because they are cheap. TMIWTB: Sends out baby announcements within the first two months of baby’s arrival. Me: Doesn’t send announcements because that’s what Facebook is for. Instead, uses Christmas card with pics of child as a pseudo announcement. TMIWTB: Makes crafty thank you notes by hand with thoughtful messages. Me: Buys cards at CVS and scribbles thank you while the baby drools on the envelope. ...